Commuting = Blogging

Monday, January 23, 2012

Good Morning Internet folk. It’s 8:45 A.M. and I am on the subway heading to work. It seems the morning commute is the only time I have to read or write anymore! The past month has been very busy to say the least so I apologize for the week(s) long gap between postings. I will try to avoid that from now on!

(p.s. didn't have time to actually post this until 7 P.M. if that tells you how busy I am during the day! Not even enough time to hit "Publish")

Anyway the past two months have been very exhausting but very fun as well. We have visited and been visited by more friends and family than I can count. It’s been awesome to see Sierra with her cousins, uncles, aunts and grandparents and just watching everyone enjoy one another’s company. She is growing at record speeds and learning new things even faster. She can talk in sentences now, has an extensive vocabulary of words and phrases that include: “Barack Obama and Joe Biden” when asked who the president and vice president are, “Party Time Excellent” when asked what time it and “CREAM! Get the money!” whenever she A) sees money or B) is having diaper cream applied to her bottom. She is also fond of other words such as: “Poop”,  “Stinky toots!” and “Potty”, bathroom vocab is huge right now as we are in the process of potty training! I can’t believe how fast everything is moving right now.

Well it’s almost my stop so I’ll leave you with a few cute photos from the past couple months and a promise to write an actual post in here sometime this week. <3 Craig

Sierra and her cousin Jada horsing around on Christmas Eve.

Jada and my niece Autumn straight mean muggin' HARD.

Sierra and I looking for the perfect Christmas tree!

Sierra enjoying a styrofoam boat and some crackers.

This is my dad. The original Hipster Dad. He rules.

p.s. This handsome fellow is our pal Andre of Dear Husband | Dear Wife | Dear Baby who is a brand new daddy to the stunning baby girl Eila and he is in the process of writing a guest Dad post! He is a painter by day, a security guard manager by night and an awesome Dad at all times. Post coming soon!

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