Handmade Christmas!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

We survived Christmas!! Sadly it's over but we had a blast! It was a fun filled but EXHAUSTING week. On Friday Sierra's daycare was closed so I took the day off and Sierra and I got some last minute Christmas shopping in for friends and family. At around 3:00 we picked Mama up from work and got on the highway to head to New Bedford, MA which is where I'm from and where Gramma and Papa still reside.

We have a tradition called "The Night Before the Night Before" which is when my family and a few close friends (Uncle Will, Uncle Matt and Aunty Jill) all meet up eat some dinner and exchange gifts before the hooplah of Christmas Eve begins the next day. It's a low key and enjoyable night that I love and am glad we've been doing for all this time. This year Lauren and I decided to get everyone's gifts hand made by our crafty friends instead of forking our hard earned dollars over for some cheap plastic junk at TARGET. Don't get me wrong we love cheap junk and TARGET as much as the next people but figured it would be better to give our forty bucks to our pal instead of tar-zhay. So....

For Uncle Matt we got this really neat Mason jar light. One of my best friends Chad is an electronics whiz who creates his own custom guitar pedals and in his down time makes other things in his bed room workshop. The jar was filled with clear glass beads and then some how motion activated so that when you tip it upside down it lights up. Matt seemed to really like it and I'm jealous and will be ordering one for myself ASAP. If you want one for yourself or want one of the most bad ass sounding / looking guitar pedals ever made please contact Chad @ http://chadderboxfx.tumblr.com.

Uncle Will is a huge horror buff and also a lover of screen printed t-shirts so for his gift I turned to my good pal Alex Dakoulas who runs an amazing little company called Dance Party Massacre (who BOTH of the Hipster Dads have modeled for in the past I might add! photo below). I'm sure you're all familiar with The Breakfast Club right? Well DPM decided to make "The Horror Club" and for only $15 bucks you can get yourself a beautiful 18x24 hand screen printed poster of it! I put this guy in a plain black frame from Target (Yes, Target) and wallah. Merry Christmas Uncle Will!

What a couple of sexy models. <3
I had a bit of trouble finding something hand made that I thought really fit Aunty Jill. So I did the next best thing- I went to a store that my friend Jared Vasconcellos owns. The store is called The Artificial Marketplace and it's in New Bedford. If you are ever driving through the South Coast of Massachusetts you HAVE to stop here. It is hip / cozy little shop in the heart of Downtown New Beige that sells new and vintage EVERYTHING. They have furniture, records, wall art, some clothes, jewelry, appliances and just about anything you can think of (p.s. Jared also runs a mini iPod/iPhone repair shop out of here so get a cool Eames chair and your iPhone's screen fixed all in one stop). Anyway now that my commercial for the shop is out of the way; I found Aunty Jill this really cute blue necklace, a thermos from the 60s (she loves camping) and this adorable little vintage anchor brooch. All these things screamed Jill to me and I hope she liked them!

Lastly is my sister Alison. Although she's not part of the "NB4TNB4" festivities, we did get her some pretty awesome hand made gems! My sister is the mother to two beautiful little 2 and ½ year olds named Ashley and Autumn who I've blogged about a few times before. For Alison we ordered two custom embroidered hoops from our friend Liz Brown who runs an adorable little Etsy store here: EightOhEight. Liz is a new friend who we just met and love to death! She is currently at home with her brand new baby Eila! This child is beautiful people, if you don't believe me check out Liz and Andre's co-mama/daddy blog here: Dear Husband | Dear Wife | Dear Baby. Anyway you should totally order something from her for your babies nursery. Her prices are ridiculously low and the quality is amazing! 

Last but certainty not least was our gifts to the twins. I run a small little design shop called Rain or Shine if you didn't know and our photographer is an awesome guy names Chris. Now the best thing about Chris is his better half: Annie (just kidding Chris we love you!). Annie is the most amazing crocheter you have ever seen. Her work is amazing and her speed blew my mind. On Monday she asked me "what are their favorite animals" and on Thursday I was on my way to New Hampshire to pick up three hand made stuffed animals. For Sierra she made a horse and for the twins she made a Moose and a Deer (yes those are their favorite animals!). They are one of a kind, cuddley and adorable and get this... she only charged me $30 each! You should ALL contact her and get one of these guys made for your children. Sierra hasn't stopped playing with hers and Ashley clung to her moose all night telling everyone "No No not touch my mwoose'. Contact Annie here: http://www.facebook.com/ayonkers. Sorry for the crappy cell phone shot but I forgot to snap a pic of all three together before they were clamped down into toddler hands. I assure you they are beautiful:

So thats that! Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!! Whats the best gifts that you gave or got? Tell us in the comments below! <3 -Craig

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