Will post more about my little kindergartener soon! -Craig
PS. I will probably post a blog entry on the 'i don't like you thing' at some point. Got a lot of solid feedback on how to deal with it, read a lot of great stuff online etc and figure I might as well pull it all together for a "How we dealt with it" post. Later this week maybe!
PSS. Feel free to leave a comment about your back to school experiences / If you've ever had to deal with / explain to your child why someone would tell them they don't like them. #Feelings

In about 2 weeks Sierra starts school and it's all I can think about. I've seen photos from friends with kids who have already started going back and the instagrams full of screaming and tears makes me pretty nervous of how Sierra is going to react on her first day.
She says she's excited and can't wait but that may change when the time to actually go inside and be left by your parents comes.
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