I could not agree with her more. I instagram, Facebook and blog-post about my kid on the regular and every photo is this adorable, angelic, whimsical moment eating breakfast at the coffee shop, building a foam-block tower or making a painting together. I never write about chasing her around the coffee shop saying "Stop! No! Don't do that!!" and feeling embarrassed in front of everyone or the times she asks me to play with blocks or paint and I say "Not right now" or "I'm busy working". Like Tuttle-Singer said "Let’s be real: Parenting is ridiculously hard." and by pretending it's this always-amazing perfect thing we're blatantly lying to everyone. I'm not saying we need to post photos of tantruming children on instagram or say "My kid is a brat" on twitter because jesus who wants to see that but a little brutal honesty wouldn't hurt sometimes. Infact it would do a world of good to other parents reading it knowing they aren't alone in the struggle and difficulties of parenting.
Sometimes when I post a photo of Sierra on Facebook I get a comment along the lines of "WOW! You make me not afraid to have kids!". And to those commenters I say: Be afraid! Be very afraid! Don't get me wrong, having a kid is the best and I truly mean that. It's a special kind of unconditional love but it's also really difficult and trying. Sometimes you lose your temper, sometimes you don't want to play, sometimes you don't want to wake up at 6AM and dress an angry jelly boned tiny human. So don't be fooled by mommy/daddy bloggers' instagram feeds, including mine, it's not all rainbows and unicorns - it's really hard but it's also really rewarding. I wouldn't change my life for the world and I feel lucky every single day but I agree "We Need to Quit Telling Lies on Facebook".
I decided I cared more about sleeping than starting our daily routine on time so we ignored that 6:30 alarm… and the 7:10 one… and finally got up for the 7:30 one. Soon after I woke up I posted these pictures:
(Photo / Quote by Kelle Hampton I'm just borrowing / sharing: Follow her here: http://instagram.com/etst)
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