Having not been to the theater in an embarrassingly long time, needless to say, me and my family were very excited to attend The Boston Ballet's production of The Nutcracker. The fact that 2 of the other Hipster Dads and their families were attending with us increased that excitement ten fold! The only thing Adriana and I were a little apprehensive about was Hendrix and the fact that he may not be captured by the performance, boy were we wrong! Upon entering the opera house a certain air of holiday magic, anticipation, and overall glee hung in the air. Everywhere I looked people were smiling, courteous, and welcoming. We made the rookie mistake of directing our gps to the actual Boston Ballet building (my fault!) and ended up getting to the opera house in the nick of time! Parking nearby was cheap and it was a brisk walk to the show. I would recommend the coat-check to anyone attending with kids, it was a piece of cake dropping off and picking up our coats and made navigating the theater much easier.
Once we were in our seats, Hendrix in his booster, we were ready for the show to start. While waiting the three of us just sat there scanning the room, admiring the architecture, it truly is stunning! I dipped out to grab a couple of glasses of champagne and it was time for the show to start! Right from the opening Hendrix was mesmerized. The costumes were classic with a modern edge, as was all of the props and set design. The choreography itself could have carried the entire show. The troop seemed to know exactly when to focus on the story line and artistry of the performance and when to break away and add that air of playfulness that the kids needed. My favorite part of the show was when the children are presented with the harlequin and columbine toys. When the ballerina steps out of that box I looked over and my beautiful wifes face was lit up with pure joy, it honestly made the entire day for me. Hendrix, he was obsessed with the mouse soldiers and the dancing bear! The entire show flew by and we are absolutely making this an annual tradition! The Hipster Dads were treated to a backstage tour after the show (photos to follow) and trust us when we say, putting this production together is no easy feat! We were all completely captivated, impressed, and grateful to have experienced such a show. Thank you to the Boston Ballet for having us!
Adeline Trades Her Nap for Ballet:
When I initially thought of bringing Addy to a 2 hour long ballet, I thought that it was going to be a half hour long ballet cut short by a crying 2 year old. Once we made our approach to the beautiful facade of the Boston Opera House and entered I realized the excitement and beauty was going to accompany our journey to our seats and into a dream world where a nutcracker becomes a prince. It was also a journey where a 2 year old that usually will not sit still for 10 minutes turns into a little princess and sits through an entire ballet without throwing a fit and making me feel like an asshole.
It was pretty clear as I set up her booster in her own "big girl chair" that she was in for the long haul, as was I. From the start of the first act the newly designed sets were awe-inspiring for both Daddy and Daughter. I found myself turning to my wife at each scene change to exchange a statement of amazement with our eyes, we were like kids ourselves. The movements seen on stage made Addy ask for more…"more ballerina Daddy, more bear dance Daddy, more nutcracker". All of this happening during what would normally be her nap time, which any parent knows is playing with fire.
Bottom Line: The Boston Ballet did an amazing job on this production. The set design was amazing, choreography was breathtaking and fun and lighthearted when it was called for. I can't think of many things right now that would have the sophistication and beauty to bring awe to parents while at the same time delivering fun that a child demands (especially when you are putting off her nap).

Let me start out by saying to anyone who has been on the fence about bringing small children to see The Nutcracker, FEAR NOT! The Boston Ballet is on top of their game with accommodation of children and families with everything from free booster seats to a very knowledgeable staff... oh yeah, and a fully stocked bar.
When the Boston Ballet reached out to us about attending The Nutcracker all 3 families were beyond excited as it would be the first time any of us have brought our children to such an event. I couldn't wait to see how Sierra would react to seeing something entirely new and so visually stimulating. I wasn't too nervous about her behavior in the theatre as she's been to the movies before so I knew she had the ability to sit still in a seat for 2 hours.
From the second you walk through the huge archway into the building the experience just takes you over. From the hustle and bustle of the lobby to the gorgeous architecture, staircases and lights everywhere. The room just feels alive in a way your local movie house doesn't offer or could ever hope to. Once locating our seats and being amazed at how close we were the excitement just grew until the curtains finally opened and the show began. I can't begin to explain how wonderful it was - it's just something you need to go see. Sierra loved every second of it and I can't wait to take her again.
After the show we were treated to a back stage tour where we saw pulleys, rigging systems and tons of amazing props. The detail on the props and sets was breath taking and I can't thank the Boston Ballet for giving us that once in a life time view of the inner workings of such an awesome event. The night was truly magical and it was a wonderful experience I know all of us and our children will hold dearly for a long time.

6 adults and 3 amazing kids:
Let me start out by saying to anyone who has been on the fence about bringing small children to see The Nutcracker, FEAR NOT! The Boston Ballet is on top of their game with accommodation of children and families with everything from free booster seats to a very knowledgeable staff... oh yeah, and a fully stocked bar.
When the Boston Ballet reached out to us about attending The Nutcracker all 3 families were beyond excited as it would be the first time any of us have brought our children to such an event. I couldn't wait to see how Sierra would react to seeing something entirely new and so visually stimulating. I wasn't too nervous about her behavior in the theatre as she's been to the movies before so I knew she had the ability to sit still in a seat for 2 hours.
From the second you walk through the huge archway into the building the experience just takes you over. From the hustle and bustle of the lobby to the gorgeous architecture, staircases and lights everywhere. The room just feels alive in a way your local movie house doesn't offer or could ever hope to. Once locating our seats and being amazed at how close we were the excitement just grew until the curtains finally opened and the show began. I can't begin to explain how wonderful it was - it's just something you need to go see. Sierra loved every second of it and I can't wait to take her again.
After the show we were treated to a back stage tour where we saw pulleys, rigging systems and tons of amazing props. The detail on the props and sets was breath taking and I can't thank the Boston Ballet for giving us that once in a life time view of the inner workings of such an awesome event. The night was truly magical and it was a wonderful experience I know all of us and our children will hold dearly for a long time.

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