1. Why don't you start by introducing yourself to our readers (Name, Kids (How Many / Names), Occupation, Location?)
Andy Herald
3 Sons - Cody 14, Max 12 & Lucas 3
Graphic Designer
Pasadena, CA
Charlie Capen
1 son - Finnegan 3.
Actor/Digital Arsonist
Los Angeles, CA
Andy Herald
3 Sons - Cody 14, Max 12 & Lucas 3
Graphic Designer
Pasadena, CA
Charlie Capen
1 son - Finnegan 3.
Actor/Digital Arsonist
Los Angeles, CA
2. When does "the Holiday Season" start for you?
October 1st. I consider Halloween part of the holiday season. One sort of rolls into the next.
As soon as my wife starts force-feeding us holiday music. Also? Starting the holiday cheer at the end of July (I'm talking to you Costco) is bullshit.
October 1st. I consider Halloween part of the holiday season. One sort of rolls into the next.
As soon as my wife starts force-feeding us holiday music. Also? Starting the holiday cheer at the end of July (I'm talking to you Costco) is bullshit.
3. What do you and your family do to keep the magic of Christmas alive?
Decorating and Christmas music always get us into the swing of things despite the lack of seasons here in the Los Angeles area. Frank Sinatra is the family Christmas standard though my wife poisons the well with Celine Dion from time to time.
We've established a number of traditions on and before Christmas that maintain the magical sentimentality of the holidays. Most of them involve food or long walks. All involve chocolate.
"It's a Wonderful Life"
I want to say "Treevenge" but my final answer is "It's a Wonderful Life" and "White Christmas".
"It's a Wonderful Life"
I want to say "Treevenge" but my final answer is "It's a Wonderful Life" and "White Christmas".
5. Is there anything you always wanted for Christmas as a child and never got?
Power Wheels, those electric miniature cars kids could drive and crash into other kids with.
Respect? Actually, I really wanted to get fireworks and Power Wheels but never got them. That's why I drive around in an SUV firing Roman candles out of my muffler.
Power Wheels, those electric miniature cars kids could drive and crash into other kids with.
Respect? Actually, I really wanted to get fireworks and Power Wheels but never got them. That's why I drive around in an SUV firing Roman candles out of my muffler.
Real. Noble Fir or better. Accept no substitutes. Unflocked. I'm super serious about my Christmas trees. Everyone else can do WHATEVER they want.
Real. They have sap pockets you can pick at and those aluminum trees they had in Charlie Brown Christmas are bunk.
Real. Noble Fir or better. Accept no substitutes. Unflocked. I'm super serious about my Christmas trees. Everyone else can do WHATEVER they want.
Real. They have sap pockets you can pick at and those aluminum trees they had in Charlie Brown Christmas are bunk.
7. Do you have any unique holiday traditions?
Consumption of massive quantities of eggnog.
We don't have many unique ones like sculpting statues of Santa Claus out of frozen cider or candy cane dart games. We read "Night Before Christmas" on Christmas Eve and hug a lot, though.
Consumption of massive quantities of eggnog.
We don't have many unique ones like sculpting statues of Santa Claus out of frozen cider or candy cane dart games. We read "Night Before Christmas" on Christmas Eve and hug a lot, though.
8. So, like us, you have a blog where there's more than on contributor. I was curious how you do it. Who does what, how do you share the work load and how do you find the time?
We have a pretty rad complement of skill sets between the pair of us. Andy handles design, graphical media and the coding aspects. Charlie takes care of the video production, social media management and outreach. We both write and counsel each other on the direction of our work. And we Voltron mind-meld on the creative of nearly all media. Both of us write a narrative post each week, and switch off between doing 3 posts or 2 posts respectively.
We have a firm rule that if one of us is freaking out or having a shitty week, the other has to remain stable.
So, we seriously balance each other out. But how do we find the time? We don't. We invent it. Through sleep-deprivation, mainly.
HTBAD Links:
Blog - http://www.howtobeadad.com
Facebook page - http://www.facebook.com/ howtobeadad
Twitter - http://twitter.com/howtobeadad
Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/ howtobeadad
YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/ howtobeadad
Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/ howtobeadad
We have a pretty rad complement of skill sets between the pair of us. Andy handles design, graphical media and the coding aspects. Charlie takes care of the video production, social media management and outreach. We both write and counsel each other on the direction of our work. And we Voltron mind-meld on the creative of nearly all media. Both of us write a narrative post each week, and switch off between doing 3 posts or 2 posts respectively.
We have a firm rule that if one of us is freaking out or having a shitty week, the other has to remain stable.
So, we seriously balance each other out. But how do we find the time? We don't. We invent it. Through sleep-deprivation, mainly.
HTBAD Links:
Blog - http://www.howtobeadad.com
Facebook page - http://www.facebook.com/
Twitter - http://twitter.com/howtobeadad
Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/
YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/
Pinterest - http://pinterest.com/
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