Tuesday, July 5, 2011

IT'S GIVEAWAY TIME!! I'm sure you've all heard of Rockabye Baby by now, but did you know they also have a country music version? When i saw they had a lullaby Johnny Cash album I almost wet myself! The fine people over at CMH Label Group decided to send us the the album and we couldn't be more stoked on itThis Saturday after a long day at the beach with Sierra and some friends we jammed it out in the car and it was great. It's done really really well and features the same steel drum sound you're used to with Rockabye Baby but also pulls in some great bass plucking & guitar riffs reminiscent of the original Cash tunes. I found myself singing along and was really pumped to have some new kid friendly music for the car since Mama thinks Lil' Wayne isn't appropriate for baby ears. So enough blabbing about how much I love the album, let's get one into your hands for your little one's ears! Good luck!


  • You can pick ANY hushabye baby cd, not just Johnny Cash
  • Winner will be picked at random in two weeks: July 19th, 2011
  • You must be a follower of The Hipster Dad to enter
  • You can enter 3 ways:
  • Leave a comment on here with your name, what album you want and why!
  • Tweet: "Win a free CD from @TheHipsterDad and @Hushabyebaby! Enter here: http://goo.gl/o3AGa"
  • Like The Hipster Dad on Facebook and leave a comment with your name, what album you want and why!

Contact Hushabye Baby:


  1. I would LOVE to win this Johnny Cash c.d. and share with my sister Alyssa (a first time mom of 2 month old twin girls!). She does not consider herself "musically inclined" but I told her that it is still important to expose those young ears to quality music. This would really help! :)

  2. Awesome! Yes babies + good music is a must and you dont get much better than Johnny Cash and because its instrumental baby doesn't hear al the lyrics about cocaine, murder and prison! :) -C

  3. I just started following your blog. I would pick the Johnny Cash cd for sure. OUr little girl is due October 2nd!

  4. my name is charity, and i have identical twin girls who are 7 months old. i'd like the carrie underwood or taylor swift albums. :) thank you.

  5. My name is Kate and I just started following your blog. I would love the Dolly Parton or Garth Brooks album. I'm expecting a boy in October and what boy wouldn't enjoy some Garth or Dolly?!

  6. I would love to have the Johnny Cash or Dolly lullabies.


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