Hello! My name is Alexander Montville

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Felicia and me

Hello! My name is Alexander Montville, a new addition to the Hipster Dad family. Most people call me Xander, others (mostly family and co-workers) call me Alex -- I’ll happily respond to any variation except for Al (don’t test me).

I joined this group of strapping young lads through a friendship with Craig. His better half and mine were college friends, and the rest (as they say) is an incredibly boring history. We hit it off with similar interests in football (soccer), music, books, liquor, and (now) parenting. It didn't hurt that my wife and I lived in his beloved New Bedford for a few years, either.

I think it’s important to point out that I’m actually not a father yet.

Felicia and I were married after a 7 year relationship in the summer of 2013. We’re expecting our first daughter in June of this year. Needless to say we’re both incredibly excited and incredibly scared (at least I am).

Coming soon!!!
It’s funny, when Felicia and I first met I would swear up and down that I would never have children (of course, I was 18), but I could not be happier about this new addition to our lives.

I’m looking forward to contributing to this blog and leveraging the experience of my fellow bloggers for advice (I’m sure I’ll need a lot of it as a first-time father). Hopefully I’ll be able to eventually offer some valuable insight of my own. Or maybe I’ll just post a lot of cute pictures and respond to fatherhood-related YouTube videos.

Either way, I can’t wait!!


We made our own Peppa Pig book

Friday, January 24, 2014

Sierra has recently become OBSESSED with Peppa Pig, a UK based show about a little pig and her friends and family. The other day she told me a story she made up about Peppa going to daycare so we decided to make it into a little book. Total time: 20 mins. Check it out below.

Tools needed:
  • Paper
  • Sharpie
  • Crayons
  • 3 Hole Punch
  • Yarn
  • Scotch Tape

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